Wednesday, June 20, 2012


My heart beats heavily at the very thought of you.
I become breathless, and I begin to spiral in and out of a dream.

I imagine our hearts, our minds, our bodies and souls merging into the ecstasy of One consciousness under a blanket of stars.

Our Oneness pulsating and vibrating the highest frequency of Loves Vibration, exploring our deepest and most sacred connection. 

In perfect time, rhythm and motion, we flow in and out, swirling from one into the other in the perfect Oneness of being; a Divine and Holy Union of Twin Souls.

Our bodies,intertwined in the rapture of Loves Eternity as waves of ecstasy rise and and crash and rise again building momentum until, in perfect harmony, there is a star burst explosion of lights and cosmic colors and the flowing forth of pure Divine Love.

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